The utility model discloses a control structure suitable for the renovation of a variety of water-saving toilets, belonging to the application of the single chip microcomputer technology in the control field. The utility model comprises an infrared emitting and receiving device, a pyroelectric emission and receiving device, a 3 lifting key, a 6 lifting key, a water tank water level detection mark and an electric control valve control circuit. Its characteristic is MCU I / O port settings two flags, through the combination of four kinds of grounding and hanging flags, a distinction between emission and receiving of infrared, pyroelectric transmitting and receiving, 3 liters key, 6 liters and 6 liters key key input in the way. The utility model combines the four ways of water saving toilet renovation in the same control circuit, one way to distinguish the flag bits, the application of the utility model, is conducive to water saving toilet control circuit of intensive production.
本專利技術創造的目的就是提供一種標志位區別適用多種節水型坐便器改造的控制結構,本專利技術創造解決其技術問題的技術方案是包括紅外線發射與接收裝置,熱釋電發射與接收裝置,3升鍵、6升鍵、水箱水位檢測標志及電控閥控制電路;單片機I/O端口設置二位標志位,通過標志位的接地與懸空的四種組合,區分紅外線發射與接收、熱釋電發射與接收、3升鍵、6升鍵及6升鍵的輸入方式中的一種。單片機I/O端口設有二位標志位,單片機根據其接地與懸空的四種組合00、01、10、11區分紅外線發射與接收、熱釋電發射與接收、3升鍵、6升鍵及6升鍵的輸入方式中的一種。紅外線發射與接收裝置由紅外發射、接收、調制與解調電路依次連接組成,其輸出端與單片機I/O輸入端相連接。熱釋電發射與接收裝置中,熱釋電感應信號經探頭輸出,經菲涅耳透鏡及三極管、運算放大器二級放大、濾波后,與電壓比較器連接,電壓比較器的輸出端與單片機I/O輸入端連接。3升鍵、6升鍵的一端分別與單片機的輸入端及電源正極相連接,另一端接地。水箱設有3升、6升及溢出等3檔水位標志,分別與單片機輸入端相連接,其公共端接地。單片機I/O輸出端與電控制電路的二組極性相反的開關管基極相連接,開關管的集電極分別與電控閥的線圈相連接。本專利技術創造的有益效果是本專利技術創造將節水型便器改造的四種方式集中在同一控制電路, ...