The utility model relates to a water flute, which is composed of a sounding tube, a water tank and a key. The utility model can play music, and can also be used as a teaching aid to explain the pronunciation of the musical instrument. At present, most musical instruments are of high cost and difficult to learn. The utility model uses two straight tubes with different thickness and diameter of the rules of the pronunciation, the thicker pipe playing the lower register, the thinner tube higher music zone. In the sound tube installed below two elastic water tank, filling water in the water tank, the water tank through the extrusion button, elevated horizontal position to make the pronunciation tube or lower for the upper end of the sound tube mouthpiece, blowing into the tube, the effective length of air and water column in the interception of the resonance tube, a different pitch.
本技術的目的是提供一種以水為活塞作為控制音高的主要介質,以透明材料制作同時能夠看到樂器的內部結構,可以直觀反映發音原理,與現有傳統管樂器的結構特點、演奏效果、表現力、演奏方法有所不同的,能夠方便演奏滑音和微分音的吹管樂器。本技術的技術方案是用兩根粗細不同、內徑規則的、透明的直管作發音體,兩根管子中較粗的管子演奏較低的音區,較細的管子演奏較高的音區。在發音管下面裝兩個水囊,在水囊內裝上水,擠壓水囊,水平面在發音管內位置升高或降低,用發音管的上端作吹口,向管內吹氣,氣流與管內水柱截取的有效長度產生共振,發出不同的音高。本技術的有益效果是通過擠壓水囊,水平面在透明的發音管內位置升高或降低,直接截取發音管有效長度,演奏不同的音樂,能夠方便演奏滑音和微分音,透明的內部結構可以直觀反映發音原理,在樂器結構、演奏方法等方面,對現有管樂器做有益的補充,有助于豐富吹管樂器 ...