A fishing perch Wo special bait, blood powder 5% - 13%, 3% - 8% sheep, chicken powder powder of 5% - 9%, 6% - 11%, lobster sheep bone powder 3% - 8%, 2% - 4%, the water red powder powder of 2% - 4%, 2% - 4%, expansion agent powder puffed powder 3% - 6% and eating powder 5% - 12%, 2% - 9% hungry promoting powder, fish contrastimulant powder 2% - 4%, wheat protein powder 25% - 35%, 2% - 6% strong adhesive powder, the percentage of the weight percentage; the powder according to the proportion all together in a mixer 160 minutes, after taking out into the drying machine, drying machine control the temperature between 65 DEG C to 75 DEG C, baking time is 2 to 3 hours, the control is drying material drying Is 85% - 95%, remove the cold again after into a blender and stir for 120 minutes, remove and add puffing extruder, extruder temperature control between 75 to 85 DEG C., puffing time is 1 hours, the control was extruded material drying degree of 85% - 95%, after removing the package for cool.
目前,人們在使用打窩餌釣魚時, 一般都采用海桿、手桿、拋桿、爆炸鉤 為主要釣魚工具,在釣魚同時,大家都喜歡對不同品種的魚類使用不同的釣餌 進行釣捕,以此來獲得更多的魚,由于大多數使用打窩餌釣捕魚的愛好者都是 采用較為傳統的魚餌,又因釣捕者經驗不足及對打窩餌的合理配制缺少一定的 配制經驗,加之對各種魚類的生理生活習性及各種魚類的活動規律,采食習性 及條件反射等了解較少,加之配制的打窩餌又缺少一定的特殊香味,所以在使 用打窩餌釣捕各種魚類時效果不佳,特別是在水庫、大湖、大江、大海或流水 域釣捕魚時,配制的打窩餌就失去了真正釣捕魚的作用,造成釣捕魚少,魚類 吞鉤慢,釣捕魚效果差。
本專利技術的目的是要提供一種集魚、誘魚、釣捕魚效果好的一種釣鱸魚的 打窩專用餌。解決其技術問題所采用的方案是羊血粉5%-13%、雞血粉3%_8%、羊腸 粉5%-9%、羊骨粉6%-11%、龍蟲下粉3%-8%、紅蟲粉2%-4%、水中香粉2 %-4%、膨脹劑粉2%-4%、膨化粉3%-6%、促食劑粉5%-12%、促餓劑粉2 9%、魚用亢奮劑粉2%-4%、小麥蛋白粉25%-35%、強效粘合劑粉2%-6 %,所述的百分比為重量的百分比;按比例取上述粉劑全部組合到一起,放入攪拌機中攪拌160分鐘,取出后 放入烘干機中,控制烘干機的溫度在65。C-75C之間,烘制時間為2-3小時,控 制被烘干物質的干燥度為85%-95。%,取出涼后再次放入攪拌機中攪拌120分鐘, 取出后放入膨化機中膨化,控制膨化機的溫度在75'C-8 ...