Milk liquid core, 100 Shu trauma in our early origins, \Warring States\ in the \autumn wine\ records, three thousand years before the Oracle, \a record of the wine\ (Note: A, otonobu, according to Ban Gu of the Han Dynasty, \Baicao incense, turmeric and become a\ a \wine\ is refers to the aromatic wine brewing wine, artificial) in China has a history of thousands of years. \Canon.\ Su Wen said: \the wine for the pulp\ decoction for the treatment of mash sweet wine, therefore, it is a. The wine has a \blood, drug, warm stomach, wind and cold\, so the milk liquid is composed of 100 g trauma and traditional Chinese medicine brewed wine. With general aseptic removal and sore trauma can promote blood circulation, eliminate local microcirculation, accelerate blood flow, increase local blood oxygen and nutrient content; can promote cell regeneration and repair of tissue, moisture and exudate absorption, accelerate the promotion of The new supersedes the old. toxic substance, excretion, improve immune function, enhance the body defense capability, killing function of pathogens; to blood stasis, detumescence, Wenjingtongluo, of Qufushengji, dampness and cold, the excellent effect of softening scar.
乳百戍創(chuàng)傷液在我國起源很早,《戰(zhàn)國策》中有儀秋作酒的記載,三千年 前的甲骨文中,有鬯其酒的記載,(注鬯,音暢,據漢代班固 解釋,以百草之香,郁金合而釀之成為鬯'鬯就是指芳香的藥酒。) 可見人工釀藥酒在我國已有數千年歷史。《內經,素問》曰以酒為 漿作湯液醪醴,故用于治療,實是源遠流長。由于酒有通血脈, 行藥勢,溫腸胃,御風寒等作用,所以乳百戍創(chuàng)傷液是由酒及中藥 的釀造,做到廣大患者的歡迎。乳百戍創(chuàng)傷液它具有多種獨特功能,經臨床應用,療效極佳。 功能活血、散瘀止血、生肌、消腫止痛。 主治1、損傷早、中期,用于創(chuàng)傷口濕敷。2、 手術后傷口生肌。3、 帶狀泡疹。4、 褥瘡用法用敷料或藥棉蘸上藥酒敷在患處,并保持敷料或藥棉的濕潤。