The present invention relates to chemical machinery, in particular to a reciprocating screw plasticizing device, can realize the stability of injection fluid additives (including foam fluid) to the plasticizing device, this device can be used in the manufacture of new injection molding machine and injection molding machine into the existing. The invention mainly comprises a machine barrel and screw conveyor installation of polymer and polymer processing space defined in the barrel, the screw is arranged on the two retaining elements 3, 4, and arranged in the barrel on port 7, port 7 at positions corresponding to the screw two check at any position between the elements check, 4, element 3 is sheathed on a screw, and a sliding fit with the inner barrel; the invention has the advantages that can make the nitrogen and carbon dioxide with the molten resin evenly mixed to obtain stable product quality, melt plastic after nitrogen or carbon dioxide directly from the barrel by setting the dose injected into the compression screw plasticizing device in section, and then through the mixing screw bodies such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide and the molten plastic mixing end to stored plasticizing device into the mold cavity for injection. Therefore, it is solved by improving the conventional reciprocating injection molding machine to achieve the purpose of foaming, injection molding or increasing the fluidity of the molten plastic by using carbon dioxide or nitrogen gas.
本專利技術涉及化工機械,特別是一種往復式螺桿塑化裝置,可以實現穩定注入添 加劑流體(包括發泡劑流體)到塑化裝置中,并實現均勻的混合,這種裝置能夠用 于新注塑機的制造和現有注塑成機的改造。
由于原材料成本的上漲,注塑制品的結構一方面越來越薄壁化,另一方面要求制 品的尺寸精度和穩定性越來越高,這樣就對加工的工藝和裝備的要求越來越高。這 主要是由于熔融樹脂材料在型腔中的流動性會受到限制,造成成型困難,從而需要 提高注射壓力和型腔內的壓力,進而導致制品脫模后殘留應力大,翹曲變形和尺寸 穩定性差。采用氮氣或二氧化碳等作為增塑劑來提高樹脂的流動性,或作為發泡劑 進行微發泡或結構發泡注射成型的方法,是已知的。然而,常規的注塑機的塑化裝 置(包括螺桿和機筒)不能實現這種功能。中國專利文獻在20()6年12爿15 ll公開 了 -種名稱為"'(體發泡劑流雖控制系統"(t 利":200620049021.3)的實用新 型專利,該專利技術揭示、種1體發泡劑流設的控制系統和控制/V法,WM體地涉 及.采用氣體物理發泡劑加丄熱塑性泡沐塑料時對發泡劑流S:的校制系統。若將改裝 賞簡單的和常規的往復式注塑機組合使用,是不能實現氮氣或二氧化碳等作為增塑 劑來提高樹脂的流動性,或作為發泡劑進行微發泡或結構發泡注射成型。眾所周知, 常規的往復式注塑機包括合模裝置,塑化注射裝置,液壓與電氣控制系統等。其中 塑化和注射裝置與液壓系統連接,受電氣控制系統控制。塑化和注射裝置包括螺桿、 機筒、安裝在機筒上的加熱圈和測溫和控制用的熱電偶、以及注射用的噴嘴等。常 規的塑化注射裝置由于僅將來 ...