The invention provides a MOS tube capable of reducing the plasma damage effect, which is fabricated on a silicon substrate with a gate source drain and a grid metal pad and a substrate metal pad respectively connected to the gate and the silicon substrate. The existing technology only set the jumper in the metal gate metal pad, when the minimum feature size and gate oxide thickness continuously decreases, effect of plasma damage the substrate metal pads on the adverse effects on the quality and reliability of the MOS tube is more and more big. The grid metal pad of the present invention from the first layer of wire is separated into two parts, and the first layer of wire separation respectively and the two part is connected with the first and second guide line, the first metal jumper cross the first and second conductors between the substrate metal pad from the first layer of wire. Separated into two parts, and the first layer of wire separation respectively and two parts by connecting the third and fourth line segments, second metal jumpers cross the third and fourth line segments. The invention can greatly improve the quality and reliability of the MOS tube.
本專利技術涉及半導體制造領域,尤其涉及一種可減小等離子體損傷效應的MOS管。背景技木在半導體制造領域,刻蝕工藝、離子注入工藝和化學氣相沉積工藝等諸多 工藝中都會用到等離子體,理論上等離子體總的對外電性應該是呈現中性的, 也就是說正離子和負離子是等量的,但實際上進入晶圓的正負離子在局部區域 并不是等量的,如此就會產生大量游離的電荷。晶圓中的金屬導線或者多晶硅 (polysil icon)等導體就^象天線,其可收集該些游離的電荷,該些天線越長,收 集的電荷越多,當收集的電荷多到一定程度時,就會放電,上述現象就是通常 所說的等離子體損傷效應。隨著半導體器件最小特征尺寸的不斷減小,金屬氧 化物半導體場效應晶體管(簡稱M0S管)柵氧化層的厚度也不斷減小。該些游 離電荷所產生的放電易在M0S管柵氧化層上產生等離子損傷,從而增大了 M0S 管的漏電,嚴重時會造成MOS管的報廢。參見圖l,其顯示了現有技術一中的MOS管的組成結構示意圖,如圖所示, MOS管制作在硅襯底1上,且其具有柵源漏極G、 S和D以及設置在金屬層M中 并分別與柵極G和硅襯底1相連的柵極金屬墊Pl和襯底金屬墊P2,金屬層M具有第一層金屬M1、第二層金屬M2、第二層金屬M3.....頂層金屬TM,該第一層金屬Ml通過第一接觸孔插塞層VI連接在柵極G或硅襯底1上,該第二層金 屬M2和第三層金屬M3分別通過第二和第三接觸孔插塞層V2、 V3連接在第一、 第二層金屬M1、 M2上,其他金屬層間也通過其對應的接觸孔插塞層相互連接。該柵極金屬墊P1具有第一層導線Wll、第二層導線W12、第三層導線W13... ...