The invention provides a natural blood activating and nourishing heart egg and a preparation method thereof, belonging to the technical field of health food processing. In the invention, ginseng, Radix Codonopsis, radix salviae miltiorrhizae, Rhodiola, licorice, motherwort, astragalus, polygonatum, Atractylodes, Radix Paeoniae Alba, radix paeoniae rubra, Radix Angelicae sinensis, Radix Polygoni Multiflori, rehmannia, medlar, schisandra fruit, longan pulp, yam, hawthorn, jujube, jujube, Bai Ziren, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Ganoderma lucidum, ophiopogon root, Poria, Poria cocos, chrysanthemum and honeysuckle, Gynostemma, Ginkgo biloba, Green Tea, angelica, cinnamon, pepper, pepper, anise, ginger 38 kinds of herbal medicine made of Chinese medicine Huoxue Yangxin egg liquid, while still warm with salt and potassium sorbate, then wash the fresh eggs without damage in cold medicine for 360 to 600 hours, high temperature sterilization or sterilization by low temperature the routine, that is made of natural Huoxue Yangxin eggs. Diet characteristics: balanced nutrition, Qi Sheng blood, care of viscera, blood circulation, nourishing heart, brain, enhance immunity. The utility model has the dual functions of diet therapy and health care, and is suitable for middle-aged and old people to eat.
一種天然活血養心蛋,特征在于其配方按重量份計分別為:?。ǎ保┗钛B心蛋中藥配方及制作方法:人參2-6%,黨參2-6%,丹參3-8%,紅景天2-6%,甘草2-6%,益母草3-8%,黃芪2-6%,黃精2-6%,白術1-5%,白芍1-5%, 赤芍1-5%,當歸3-8%,首烏2-6%,地黃2-6%,枸杞子3-9%,五味子3-8%,龍眼肉1-5%,山藥2-6%,山楂3-9%,酸棗仁1-5%,柏子仁1-5%,川芎1-5%,大棗2-8%,靈芝2-6%,麥冬1-5%,茯苓1-5%,茯神1-5%,菊花1-4%,金銀花1-4%,絞股藍1-4%,銀杏葉1-4%,綠茶1-4%,白芷0.5-1.5%,桂皮0.5-1.5%,花椒0.5-2%,胡椒0.5-1.5%,大茴香0.5-1.5%,干姜0.5-2%;將上述38味中草藥分別切片、晾干、攪勻、粉碎、造粒、烘干、裝袋,制成每袋重3-10克的活血養心蛋中藥料袋;按每袋加水0.6-1.8升比例,將活血養心蛋中藥料袋與涼水共同放入不銹鋼鍋煮沸,改用文火煮26-36分鐘,取出殘中藥料袋,即制成活血養心蛋中藥液; (2)一種 天然活血養心蛋配方:活血養心 ...