The invention provides a five color nourishing viscera brain meat fried rice and a preparation method thereof, belonging to the technical field of health food processing. The invention of rice, millet, white lentils, beans, peas, beans, lentils, Gorgon, dangshen, astragalus, polygonatum, Radix Paeoniae Alba, radix paeoniae rubra, Radix Angelicae sinensis, Radix Polygoni Multiflori, rehmannia, medlar, Schisandra, jujube, longan pulp, hawthorn, dogwood, yam, lily, Ophiopogon, Ganoderma, Alpinia oxyphylla, Suanzaoren, Bai Ziren, Polygala, chrysanthemum, Gynostemma, angelica, pepper, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, Radix Aucklandiae, Rhizoma Cyperi, anise, fennel, ginger, carrot, potato, Amomum, beans, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, onion, onion, salt, soy sauce, vegetable oil, monosodium glutamate, cattle, sheep, pig, donkey, rabbit, yangzang brain liquid medicine, broth and water as ingredients, prepared into colored meat for nourishing viscera and brain. This product balanced nutrition, care of Zang Fu organs, intelligence, brain, enhance immunity. It has dual functions of food and health care.
一種五色養臟健腦肉炒飯,特征在于其配方按重量份計分別為: (1)養臟健腦中藥液配方及制作方法:黨參3-10%,黃芪2-8%,黃精2-8%,白芍2-8%,赤芍2-8%,當歸2-8%,首烏3-10%,地黃2-8%,枸杞子3-10%,五味子 2-8%,大棗3-10%,龍眼肉2-8%,山楂3-10%,山茱萸2-8%,山藥2-8%,百合2-8%,麥冬2-8%,靈芝1-5%,益智仁1-5%,酸棗仁1-5%,柏子仁1-5%,遠志1-5%,菊花1-5%,絞股藍1-5%,白芷1-3%,胡椒1-3%,花椒1-3%,桂皮1-3%,肉豆蔻1-3%,木香1-3%,丁香1-3%,香附1-3%,大茴香1-3%,小茴香1-3%,砂仁1-3%,干姜1-4%,水適量;將上述36味中草藥分別切片、晾干、攪勻、粉碎、造粒、烘干、裝袋,制成每袋凈重3-10克的養臟健腦中藥料袋,再用不銹鋼鍋將水煮沸,按每袋加水1-4升比例添加養臟健腦中藥料袋,改用文火煮25-35分鐘,即制成養臟健腦中藥液; (2)五色養臟健腦肉炒飯配方:大米95-208%,小米5-15%,芡實1-5%,白扁豆2 -6%,紅豆2-6%,豌豆2 ...