The utility model relates to a hand automatic conjoined fire extinguisher, which comprises a pressure container, a bottom ring, a manual injection valve and an automatic injection valve, wherein the pressure vessel is composed of a middle cylinder body, an upper header and a lower head. The manual valve seat for 13 pieces of the structure, the side wall of the manual valve seat is provided with a through hole automatic admission valve seat, one end of the automatic valve seat sealing hole and connected into a whole through the manual valve seat, automatic injection valve connected with the other end of the automatic valve seat. The utility model uses the manual valve seat into the existing three pieces of the structure, the automatic injection valve is fixedly connected with the side wall of the manual valve seat, the pressure vessel simply open a hole in the top of head, hand automatic injection valve sharing a built-in Straw, not only to set double hand automatic fire extinguishing functions, they do not need to open a new hole in pressure vessel on purpose, so the valve pressure vessel pressure indicators, such as pressure base can meet the nation for the requirements of the safe use of fire extinguishing equipment.
滅火器的工作原理是通過噴射滅火介質,如水、二氧化碳、氣體或化學泡沫等抑制 燃燒的物質,從而達到滅火目的。現有滅火器的種類基本上可分為手動型或自動型滅火器 兩類,手動型滅火器使用者通過對壓力把的操作,在壓力下排放抑制燃燒的物質進行滅火; 自動型滅火器自身感應火災,依靠自控裝置自動排放抑制燃燒的物質進行滅火。現有手動 型滅火器的結構,通常包括一個用于在壓力下儲存滅火介質的壓力容器、一帶有閥門組件 的閥體以及一裝配了安全銷的壓力把,作業時,使用者卸下安全銷,然后將滅火器的噴射口 對準火源,通過壓力把加壓,使閥門組件打開,滅火介質從壓力容器中噴出進行滅火。自動 型滅火器的結構也包括壓力容器、一帶有閥門組件的閥體,閥門組件包括一熱敏元件,熱敏 元件能在預設溫度下檢測火災,然后控制閥門組件自動打開,將滅火介質噴向燃燒物質進 行滅火。 由于手動型或自動型滅火器都是分體結構,使用時具有局限性,不能一器兼有手 動、自動雙重功能。為此 中國專利號為2004200905195的"手動自動滅火器"公開了一種集手自動于一體 的滅火裝置,其結構包括接納滅火介質的壓力容器,以及設置在壓力容器頂部的手動噴射 閥,和設置在壓力容器側壁的自動噴射閥,自動噴射閥經閥體座連接在壓力容器上。所述閥 體座上設有熱敏元件,即感溫泡,感溫泡一端頂緊設于閥體座密封口內的密封頭,另一端由 設于閥體座端部的分散帽壓緊,當發生火災時,由于環境溫度驟升,感溫泡的玻璃體受內置 酒精膨脹而爆裂,致使密封頭在壓力容器的壓力作用 ...