The invention provides a natural five color nutritious nutritious steamed bread and a preparation method thereof, belonging to the technical field of health food processing. In the invention, Rhodiola, hawthorn, jujube, longan pulp, medlar, jujube, astragalus, polygonatum, Codonopsis, angelica, ginseng, licorice, honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, peony, Poria, Atractylodes, tuckahoe, yam, Gynostemma, mulberry leaf, Ginkgo biloba, Green Tea, lotus leaf, cassia seed, radix rehmanniae, Ukraine, song ganoderma, mulberry and water made of colored yangzang tea; the red bean, soybean, white lentils, mung bean, black bean, pea and blood glutinous rice, red sorghum, yellow corn, millet, maize, Rice noodles, chestnuts, coix seed, black rice, oats, buckwheat noodles and spirulina powder, flour, eggs, milk, vegetable oil, sugar, honey, salt, yeast, surface alkali, colored yangzang tea and water, made of natural colored yangzang nutrition Steamed Buns, steamed bread, bread or bread. This product is derived from natural, balanced nutrition, nourishing the viscera and promoting immunity. It has dual functions of food and health care.
一種天然五色養(yǎng)臟營養(yǎng)饅頭,特征在于其配方按重量份計分別為: (1)五色養(yǎng)臟茶配方及制作方法:紅景天2-6%,山楂4-12%,大棗2-8%,龍眼肉2-8%,枸杞子4-12%,酸棗仁2-6%,黃芪3-10%,黃精3-10%,黨參2-8%, 西洋參1-5%,當歸2-8%,甘草2-8%,金銀花1-5%,菊花1-6%,白術2-6%,白芍2-6%,茯苓1-5%,茯神1-5%,山藥3-10%,絞股藍2-8%,桑葉2-8%,銀杏葉2-8%,綠茶2-8%,荷葉2-8%,首烏2-8%,地黃2-8%,決明子2-8%,靈芝1-5%,桑椹1-5%,水適量;將上述29味五色養(yǎng)臟中草藥分別洗凈、切片、晾干、攪拌均勻、粉碎、攪勻、造粒、烘干、裝袋、滅菌,制成每袋凈重2-5克的五色養(yǎng)臟袋泡茶;用不銹鋼鍋將水煮沸,按每袋茶加水1-4升比例添加五色養(yǎng)臟袋泡茶,用文火煎煮25-35分鐘,祛殘茶袋,即制成五色養(yǎng)臟茶; (2)養(yǎng)心健腦紅饅頭配方:紅豆面3-10%,血糯米粉3-10%,紅高粱面3-10%,薏苡仁粉2-8%,燕麥面2-8%,面粉65-82%,鮮禽蛋2-8%,鮮牛奶6- 15%,白糖1-3%,蜂蜜0 ...