With a head of a livestock drinking device, comprising a main body (10), a stop part (20) and a part (30), which is characterized in that: in the body (10) inside the through-hole is two segment a narrow width through-hole (11), in the through hole (11 the formation of a complex) at the top of a concave ring portion (12) is provided with a sealing ring and plug (13), the inner edge of the sealing ring (13) is the formation of a slope (15), the Ministry of water (20) the outer diameter is matched with the main body (10) through hole (11) narrow section and its internal design open T type hole (21), in the end is a car made of outer thread segment (22), and the top end is slightly larger stopping part (23) forming a proper bevel edge surface and make it under (24), and with the sealing ring (13) is watertight, and the water. (Department of 30) and the outer diameter of the body (10) through hole (11) wider segment matched its internal through a through-hole (31) and the internal thread hole is formed on the top (32), and the sealing portion so as to (20) at the end of the outer thread section (22) is screwed.
【國外來華專利技術】本技術涉及家畜的飲水裝置,具體地是一種供家畜用的飲水器出水頭。畜牧業從早期游牧民族的野放方式發展至今日的牧場圈養,其間歷經了多次的改革,于經營管理及設備方面均朝向科學化發展,以節省人工成本,相對地增加經濟的獲益;如本技術所揭示的飲水器出水頭,即是為解決動物飲水問題而設計的。傳統的牧場對于動物的飲水問題,多系采設置水槽方式,惟此種方式常需重新注水的動作,頗耗費人力,是而業者乃發展出畜牧用飲水器,利用管路的配置,于適當處所設有出水頭,于平時系呈止水狀態,而當動物欲飲水時,即利用嘴部碰撞出水頭而獲得飲水供給。本技術的主要目的,是提供一種結構簡易,組裝容易的畜牧用飲水器出水頭,利用其本體內部的通孔作上窄下寬的兩段式設計,而分別由上方及下方置入一止水部及出水部并栓鎖連結而呈連動狀態,配合本體通孔頂端塞設的止水環,而可控制出、止水的狀態。本技術的次一目的,系在于該止水環乃塞置于本體通孔頂端,與止水部為斜面接觸,于出水部推頂止水部往上或水壓將止水部下壓時,均不致產生磨損現象,可達無故障使用并確保水密狀態。本技術的另一目的,系在于藉該止水部較窄的通孔配合出水部較寬的通孔,使連結成降壓式水路,以防止水壓過大而造成動物嘴部的不適。本技術的又一目的,系在于其出水水路較習用品為寬,對于水中所含的雜質可輕易排除,不致產生阻塞現象。本技術的上述目的是通過以下技術方案實現的。一種畜牧用飲水器出水頭,包括一本體、一止水部及一出水部,其中,于該本體內部貫設一上窄下寬的兩段式通孔,于該通孔頂部復形成一凹環部并塞設一止水環,該止水環的內緣乃形成一斜面,該止水部的外徑乃配合本體通孔較窄段而設計,其 ...