A full automatic pressure regulating wheel reinforced with extension function of straightening machine, including a traction mechanism, is located in the front end of the straightening machine is located in the posterior segment of the traction mechanism and extension mechanism in straightening straightening feeding mechanism of extension mechanism of rear end; traction mechanism is composed of a traction wheel frame 1, traction wheel 2, traction wheel 3 and the traction wheel adjustment component 4; straightening extension mechanism by straightening wheel frame 7, two and 8 straight round panel straightening wheel adjusting component 9; feeding mechanism comprises a feeding wheel frame 12 and a lower feeding wheel 13, the upper feeding wheel 14 and the feeding wheel adjustment component 15. During operation, the traction wheel which is connected with the prime mover is clamped with the steel bar which is continuously advancing, and the straightening wheel of the straightening and extending mechanism is repeatedly straightened and stretched by bending and pressing. The invention has the advantages of one machine, two energy, simple operation, etc., greatly simplifies the mechanism of the equipment, saves the steel used for the equipment, reduces the manufacturing cost of the equipment, and reduces the energy consumption of the equipment operation. ?
本專利技術涉及一種建筑鋼筋的調直設備,特別是一種具有延伸功能的全主動壓輪式 鋼筋調直方法及調直機。
根據我國最新審定修改的《混凝土結構工程施工質量驗收規范》5、3、2A條的規 定,以盤卷形式供貨的鋼筋,調直后允許單位長度重量負偏差為<8-10%。即盤卷供貨的 HRB300以下強度級的鋼筋調直后允許單位長度重量負偏差為< 10% ;盤卷供貨的HRB335以 上強度級的鋼筋調直后允許單位長度重量負偏差為< 8%。該規定的制訂,是基于盤卷鋼筋 在調直加工時使之產生一定延伸的情況下,鋼筋的強度會稍有提高,而其它物理指標沒有 多大變化,而且在國家標準的范圍內。因此,盤卷鋼筋在調直加工時使之產生一定延伸,不 但可以提高建筑質量,還可大量節約建筑用鋼材。因盤卷要經鋼筋調直機調直加工后才能用于建筑混凝土內,而目前鋼筋調直機的 結構有兩種1、旋轉框架式鋼筋調直機。運行時,調直塊或調直輥繞著被牽引經過的鋼筋作螺旋運 動。如果將調直塊或調直輥在鋼筋上壓得過量,則調直出來的鋼筋會成麻花形的扭曲,這種 結構的調直機只能將鋼筋調直而無法使之延伸。2、壓輪式鋼筋調直機。其包括由相互錯開的兩排調直輪、兩排調直輪軸和調直輪 架組成的壓輪式調直機構,相互錯開的兩排調直輪通過調直輪軸安裝在調直輪架上,下面 一排調直輪通過牽調直軸與原動機的動力輸出組件相連,即下面一排調直輪全為主動輪, 上面一排調直輪全為被動輪,被加工的鋼筋在主動輪與被動輪中間,被動輪通過調整機構 將擱在主動輪上的鋼筋壓彎。主動輪、被動輪均是沿鋼筋軸向轉動,運行時鋼筋在主動輪的 驅動下不停地前進,而 ...