The invention discloses a drinking water disinfection controllable dose adding method and device, the use of sustained-release disinfectant and water contact time release disinfection dose made of disinfectant and water contact device 6; after assembly room containing disinfectant water storage form 7; through small flowmeter valve 3 and small flowmeter 8 and the small water outlet valve 4 matching; formation control system; disinfectant is arranged in the valve 5 and valve 4 and a small water discharging valve 10; adding disinfectant system; use water valve 1 and valve 2 and 9 meter high flow into the water duct 11 form controllable dose into the system. Adding disinfectant methods are as follows: the closure of small flow valve, open the valve and emptying valve into the disinfectant, disinfectant device to contact with the water, the two valves is closed, open water valve, with large flow meter is adjusted to the maximum flow, the flow control valve to the required ratio of small flowmeter flow and mixed water mains were completed disinfection.
常用的飲用水消毒劑及方法有液氯、次氯酸鈉、含氯制劑、二氧化氯、臭氧、紫外線 及超濾等。根據使用條件、供水方式和操作人員素質而采用不同的方法。城市自來水和集 中供水一般均采用液氯、次氯酸鈉和二氧化氯,這三種消毒方法效果可靠性高,并可達到持 續消毒的目的,前者已有久遠使用的歷史,后者為較新的技術;臭氧和紫外線消毒適用于比 較潔凈的飲水,但是,遠距離供水和經較長時間存貯有產生二次污染的可能性;超濾主要用 于終端供水。而分散式及終端供水由于規模小,使用條件復雜消毒劑原材料難以獲得,特別 是現在多數小型和地下水供水單位,均采用變頻直供飲用水至終端,加之操作人員素質參 差不齊,至目前為止還未找出一種消毒效果確切可靠和可行的消毒方法及裝置。
本專利技術的目的是提供一種飲用水消毒可控式劑量加入方法及裝置,非專業操作人 員都能隨時方便地對飲用水消毒進行管理,并可達到與國家規定方法相同的消毒效果,而 且為省時、省力、可控。含氯制劑一般均為固體,易于操作使用和貯存,按水質優劣程度和制劑的有效氯 含量加入不同量的消毒劑。利用含氯制劑均為固體加入水中溶解后才能消毒這一特性,先 將含氯消毒劑制成一種緩釋顆粒或片劑稱緩釋消毒劑(外購),此制劑與水接觸后能緩慢 釋溶解釋放出消毒劑達消毒的目的。本專利技術的內容是利用緩釋消毒劑與水接觸后釋放消毒劑的原理,制成一種在單位 時間內能定量釋放消毒劑的裝置,水從下端流入從管側面小孔流出,水的流量越大接觸消 毒劑面積越多越高,幾乎形成與水的流量相等量釋放。該裝置根據水流量與 ...