The invention discloses a method for repairing a projection chord of an CT image, belonging to the technical field of computed tomography. The method of the invention comprises the following steps: 1, not measuring pixel coordinates; step 2, determine the image pixel space; step 3, determine the corresponding to the sine curves without measurement of string map coordinates; step 4, the discrete sine line, were determined not to measure pixel position and the corresponding strength value; structure tensor matrix step 5, we build a local neighborhood to the center of the pixel measurement, solving the eigenvalues and eigenvectors; step 6, for each pixel not measured in step 5, the local neighborhood, and has chosen a sinusoidal line feature vector of the minimum eigenvalue of the matching, the non pixel measurement the interpolation results, as the final estimation of the pixel intensity measurements. The invention can effectively improve the uniformity of chord region uniformity and better preserve the inner edge, so that the reconstructed CT image with better quality can be obtained.
本專利技術涉及一種CT(CT =Computer tomography)圖像的投影弦圖修補方法,屬于 計算機斷層成像
對于CT成像,X線源以投影角β沿圓軌道y(i3)圍繞探測物體轉動。f(x)為待 重建物體的線性衰減系數分布。我們定義圖像空間和弦圖空間為I和S。圓軌道方程為γ(β ) = (Rcos^ , Rsin^ ) (1)此處,R是X源到等中心點距離。在平行束成像幾何中,前向投影為P{pJ) = \j{r^)dl(2)p = r cos(y5 + φ)(3)Ρ(ρ,β)是f(x)的極坐標表達。P(P,β)是在投影角β下的投影強度。圖像 空間坐標經極坐標變換后,對于重建圖像中一個特定的點(r,妁,通過變化的β,它在投影空 間中相應的正弦軌跡由(3)給出。在扇形束成像幾何中,投影角β和扇角Y定義X光線。扇形束變換公式為權利要求1.一種CT圖像的投影弦圖修補方法,用于探測器內部截斷和投影稀疏采樣所導致的 投影空間缺失,其特征在于,包括以下步驟步驟1、定位未測量像素坐標; 步驟2、確定圖像空間像素族; 步驟3、確定對應于未測量弦圖坐標的正弦曲線族; 步驟4、沿著離散化正弦線,分別確定未測量像素位置及相應的強度值; 步驟5、分別構造以各未測量像素為中心的局部鄰域的結構張量矩陣,求解其特征值和 特征向量;步驟6、對于各未測量像素,在步驟5所述局部鄰域中,選出與具有最小特征值的特征 向量最符合的正弦線,取該未測量像素處的插值結果,作為對該未測量像素強度的最終估 計。2.如權利要求1所述CT圖像的投影弦圖修補方法,其特征在于,步驟4中所述確定 ...