The present invention relates to a dual fluid ejector. It comprises a valve body, injection mechanism, stroke adjusting mechanism, the valve body consists of upper and lower body are respectively and fixedly connected with the upper valve body and the lower valve body; an inner cavity formed in the valve body and the upper body of the placement of a stroke regulating mechanism, micro regulation mechanism of the separate travel itinerary; in the valve body, valve body and stroke adjustment an inter agency formation in the placement of the jet ejector mechanism for double fluid ejection mechanism. By regulating the flow and pressure of the input gas and the liquid, the two fluid flow pattern in the mixing chamber is controlled, and the liquid is ejected from the point, line and mist of the nozzle of the lower valve body. The invention has the advantages of simple structure, long service life, good controllability, gas and liquid jet of high precision, high working frequency, can be used for semiconductor thin film preparation, preparation of composite materials, electronic packaging, MENS, ink, coating, lubrication, powder metallurgy, food processing, bio medicine, welding, rapid prototyping, combustion the engine, chemical and other fluid injection process.
本專利技術涉及一種雙流體噴射器,尤其涉及一種高精度噴射的噴射結構。它能夠產 生高頻率、高精度和可控的液體點狀、線狀和霧化噴射效果。它可以廣泛應用于半導體薄 膜制備、復合材料制備、電子封裝、MENS系統、噴墨、噴涂、潤滑、粉末冶金、食品加工、生物醫 藥、焊接、快速原型制造、燃燒、發動機、化工等多流體的噴射工藝。
在半導體封裝行業中,膠液分配技術是關鍵技術之一,廣泛應用于芯片貼裝、芯片 包敷、導熱硅膠填充、芯片與基板互連等工藝中。膠液分配技術的發展先后出現了大量式 布月交(mass dispensing)、接角蟲式,點月交(contact dispensing)角蟲式,點月交(non_contact dispensing),其中大量式布膠中典型技術主要有絲網印刷和針轉移式點膠,接觸式點膠中 典型技術主要有典型技術有時間/壓力型、螺桿泵式、活塞式點膠膠,接觸式點膠主要有噴 射點膠閥。隨著膠液分配技術的發展,點體積由不均勻、控制精度不高到高一致性、精確可 控,點膠周期由長到短,目前,非接觸式點膠是最為常用的膠液分配技術,它具有高精度、高 速等有點,被認為是半導體封裝行業未來的膠液分配技術。國際上,美國Asymtek公司和日本MUSASHI在非接觸式膠液分配技術研究和應用 方面走在了世界前列,并占領了很大一部分市場。美國Asymtek公司推出的DJ9500點膠 頭,最小噴射點直徑為200 μ m,噴射精度為1 nanoliter,噴射流線寬度可達50μπι;日本 MUSASHI推出的型號為MJET-A-HU*-RL點膠頭,點膠頻率達到世界最高,為270 ...