The invention relates to a draw wheel device. Including the piece sucking wheel and the magnet, the suction wheel is composed of a base component and card connector, the base and the connecting piece of the circumferential sides are evenly distributed with three corresponding first groove and the three groove second, the base member and the connector are inserted along the axial direction, the base piece and a pin. Connector after inserting the circumferential side to form uniform consists of corresponding to the first groove and the second groove concave magnet groove, angle of center line length direction of the magnet groove and the suction card pulley axis is an acute angle alpha, the magnets in the magnet groove. The utility model has the advantages that: 1) in the transmission process, the utility model can not be scraped or stuck at the entrance end by the guiding plate, and the transmission efficiency is improved, and the normal work of mahjong machines is ensured. 2) the magnet on the suction wheel is fixed conveniently and quickly, and the production efficiency of the parts of the mahjong machine is improved. 3) the number of the magnet sheets is reduced by 1/4, the rare earth material is saved, and the manufacturing cost is reduced.
麻將機中的洗牌筒內沿周向均布有四個牌的皮帶傳動裝置,通過該傳動裝置將洗 好的牌傳送到推牌裝置處,再將牌一墩一墩地推到儲牌槽內(一墩牌為兩個牌面向下壘疊 起來的牌)。為了保證牌面的一致性(全部向上或向下),在牌進入皮帶傳動裝置時就要對牌進 行調整。目前采用的方法是,在牌內放置磁鐵,同時在皮帶傳動裝置處于洗牌筒內一端的吸 牌輪上也設置對應的磁鐵,這樣麻將牌由于受到磁力的吸引而被吸到傳輸帶上,并能保證 牌面一致向下(或上)。現有的吸牌輪裝置的結構如圖9,由吸牌輪20和磁鐵30組成。吸牌輪20是一個 注塑成一體的注塑件,包含筒體21、連接在筒體21 —端的端板22、置于筒體21內側中心的 軸套25、均布在筒體21周向上的四個磁鐵座M及連接磁鐵座M與軸套25的輻板23。每一磁鐵座M上設有用于插接磁鐵30的插槽,磁鐵30從端板22所對應的孔2 中插入插槽21a,參見圖10。磁鐵30的寬度略大于插槽21a,通過磁鐵30與插槽21a的過 盈配合而使磁鐵30穩固在磁鐵座M上。磁鐵30在對應磁鐵座M寬度方向的中心線與吸 牌輪的軸線相垂直(參見圖11),長度方向的中心線與吸牌輪的軸線平行(圖中重合)。上述 結構的吸牌輪在吸牌時會產生這樣的缺陷1)牌被吸到傳輸帶上的排列形態差異較大,不 便于導向片對傳動帶上牌的進行整理導向,使牌能按一個設定的方向排列。當傳動帶上牌 的排列方向與設定方向偏離較大時,往往在經過導向片時會被刮下來或會卡在入口端,參 見圖12,從而造成輸牌效率低或影響麻將機的正常工作。2)磁鐵是通 ...