The invention discloses a method for purifying, preparing and applying an antibacterial lactone in the preparation of an anticancer medicine. The method comprises the following steps: elecampane as raw materials, 90-99% was extracted by ethanol soaking, filtrate concentrated extract; extract will be suspended in saturated salt water, at 60 to 90 DEG C, with petroleum ether 3 times with petroleum ether extract, and dehydrated by anhydrous Na2SO4 vacuum concentrating nearly dry, were petroleum ether extract; were isolated by silica gel column chromatography, petroleum ether and ethyl acetate solvent system by gradient elution, followed by ethyl acetate and methanol extraction column to elution completely, according to the volume of eluent receiving, 500mL each, concentrated the flow of the same flow, 8-19 flow in the merger; a compound of isoalantolactone. The lactone prepared by the method of the invention has high purity, good crystal shape and large yield.
土木香為菊科土木香anulahelenium L)的干燥根。土木香根中含有1-3%的揮發油,油中的主要成分為土木香內酯、異土木香內酯、二氫土木香內酯等。在傳統醫學中,土木香的功能主要為健脾和胃,行氣解郁,止痛安胎。臨床上主要用于治療胸腹脹滿疼痛,嘔吐泄瀉,痢疾,胎動不安。現代藥理學研究已確認土木香揮發油具有抗菌,驅蟲,鎮痛,影響平滑肌、心血管的作用。在傳統醫學應用中,土木香的提取物通常為混合物,故其療效不確切,毒副作用大。例如,土木香揮發油所含的土木香內酯及其衍生物均易溶于醇,故其提取物不純且副作用多(詳見中國醫學科學院藥物研究所等.中藥志(第一冊)〔M〕北京人民衛生出版社,1979,86)。因此,長期以來人們一直都在致力于尋找更好的土木香有效成分的提純制備方法,同時也在積極探索土木香有效成分的新醫藥用途。
本專利技術的目的就是要提供一種異土木香內酯的提純制備方法,同時提供一種異土木香內酯的新的醫藥用途。本專利技術的目的是這樣實現的本專利技術所提供的異土木香內酯的提純制備方法,包括以下步驟(a)以菊科旋覆花屬植物土木香為原料,用90-99%的乙醇冷浸提取,過濾,濾液減壓濃縮得浸膏;(b)將浸膏懸浮在飽和的鹽水中,使其濃度達到0. 8-1. 2g/ml,在60 90°C條件下,用石油醚萃取3次,萃取溶劑體積分別為相當于水溶液體積的2/3,1/2,1/3,合并石油醚萃取液,并用無水Na2SO4脫水后減壓濃縮至近干,分 ...