The utility model discloses a permanent magnetic crane bridge crane beam, including lifting beam body and mounted on the hanging beam body hanging shaft, elastic buffer device and shackle, link. The utility model of the hanging beam body is a box type structure, the elastic buffer device is installed in the disc spring hanging beam body, disc spring is sheathed on the hanging shaft; at each hanging point hanging beam above the hole; a square sleeve hanging in the beam of the lifting points are arranged on the lower part of the hanging shaft. The square shaped section, to adapt to the hanging shaft square section and the square sleeve. The utility model adopts the disc type spring to replace the spring on both sides of the existing hanging beam, so that the buffering device has better performance, lower weight, lower manufacturing cost and longer service life. The opening on the upper part of the hanging beam is convenient for increasing or decreasing the number of the disc springs and adjusting the travel of the spring. A square sleeve hanging beam and the lifting shaft to avoid magnetic Jack Twist, it is a good solution to the permanent magnet stability.
橋式吊梁是磁力起重設備上的彈簧均衡吊梁的簡稱。在起重操作中,許多長形物 件需要吊運,為了避免物件的翻轉和下垂,要求把吊梁提供的少量吊點擴展為多個吊點使 用,在每個吊點處設有吊軸和彈簧緩沖裝置。現有常規吊梁的彈簧都是在吊梁的兩側安裝; 用多節長鏈環連接電磁鐵起重器;這種吊梁不能使用在永磁起重器上。傳統的吊梁制造,需要兩項校核,其一是整體吊梁在最大應力點抗彎強度,其二是 吊梁載荷撓度是否在允許范圍內。但是,進一步的計算和實驗表明,以上的設計制造方法很 不完善。其原因有以下兩點1、被吊物件的平面,伴隨物件的多樣性,存在微觀的和宏觀的彎曲不平。2、吊梁承受載荷后,各吊點的下垂量,隨著與最大應力點距離的不同有明顯的差 別。以上的兩個原因使各吊點出力差別很大,安全系數大打折扣。如果被吊物件的剛 性較大,這個差別可達幾十倍以上,以至于使原來預留的幾倍的安全系數化為烏有。加之, 多吊點吊梁有一個安全惡化特性,即在一個吊點脫開后重力會加在鄰近吊點上,所有吊點 都會被各個擊破,造成整個物件的跌落。三、
本技術的目的是提供一種能夠克服現有技術的不足,具有較高安全系數并適 合于永磁起重器使用的橋式吊梁。本技術采用的技術方案是永磁起重器橋式吊梁包括吊梁體和吊梁體上安裝 的吊軸、彈性緩沖裝置以及卸扣、鏈環,本技術的吊梁體為箱式結構,彈性緩沖裝置是 在吊梁體內安裝碟形彈簧,碟形彈簧套在吊軸上。在對應各吊點的吊梁體上面有開孔。在各吊點下面的吊梁體上設有方形套筒,吊軸的下部為方形截面,吊軸 ...