Ice temperature gas storage method of Agaricus bisporus, selection of uniform size double spore mushroom, mushroom body injury, and eliminate defective pests, stipe base to maintain a high degree of resection of equal; first in the ice temperature storage in full after the pre cooling, loaded with special atmosphere box adjustable gas nozzle, in the box is filled in 15% ~ 30% CO2 gas, O2 control in 0.5% ~ 5%, into the ice temperature storage, ice temperature storage temperature is maintained at 0.3 - 0.2 deg. C. Mushroom in the special air conditioning box are set up: the cap, stipe down, put a barrier layer; soft between layers. The preservation of Agaricus bisporus by ice temperature and air conditioning method to solve the problem of Postharvest preservation of Agaricus bisporus. Inhibiting spore germination, delaying cell senescence and maintaining cell quality. Preservation in accordance with this method, the Agaricus bisporus preservation period can reach 15 ~ 30 days, extend the mushroom storage period for Agaricus bisporus long-distance transportation sales, is conducive to the development of Agaricus bisporus planting industry.
雙孢蘑菇(Agarious bisporus)是當今世界上最大的商業化生產食用菌,也是我 國最大的出口創匯的罐藏食用菌品種。在國內外市場均有銷售,市場價位高,是目前很具發 展前途的食用菌類。但采后蘑菇極其活躍的后熟過程影響了其商品質量和貨架壽命,給生 產和貯運造成很大損失和制約。而且,我國蘑菇生產點分散,運輸、加工等環節跟不上,保鮮 問題更成為長期困擾農民的焦點。因此延長鮮菇的運輸和上市天數,解決其采后的保鮮問 題,是雙孢蘑菇產業發展的必由之路。冰溫貯藏技術是新一代食品保鮮技術,近年來在美國、韓國及我國的臺灣地區得 到了迅速發展。隨著人們的進一步研究和在實際應用中的推廣,冰溫保鮮的優勢日益體現 出來,其優點為不破壞細胞;有害微生物的活動及各種酶的活性受到抑制,從而較好地保 存其原有的色、香和口感,大大降低其新陳代謝的速度,貯藏效果優于冷藏和冷凍。但冰溫 貯藏的溫度范圍難于精確控制,尤其在蘑菇貯藏的應用上,還少見報道。
本專利技術所要解決的技術問題是提供一種雙孢菇的冰溫氣調保鮮方法。是一種冰 溫與氣調相結合的新型貯藏保鮮技術。本專利技術的技術方案是一種雙孢菇的冰溫氣調保鮮方法,其特征在于具體方法為挑選大小均一的雙孢菇,剔除傷、殘次及病蟲危害的菇體,切除菌柄 基部以保持高度均等;先在冰溫庫中充分預冷后,裝入設有調氣嘴的專用氣調箱,在箱中充入15% 30%的(X)2氣體,O2控制在0. 5% 5%,放入冰溫庫中,冰溫庫溫保持在0. 30C 士0. 2°C。雙孢菇在專用氣調 ...
1.一種雙孢菇的冰溫氣調保鮮方法,其特征在于具體方法為挑選大小均一的雙孢菇,剔除傷、殘次及病蟲危害的菇體,切除菌柄基部 以保持高度均等;先在冰溫庫中充分預冷后,裝入設有調氣嘴的專用氣調箱,在箱中充入15% 30%的 CO2氣體,O2控制在0. 5% 5%,放入冰溫庫中,溫度保持在0. 30C 士0. 2°...