The invention discloses a groove forming technique for overlapping underground continuous walls to construct a new underground continuous wall. Through the outside of the guide wall, the slot milling machine tool knife is inclined outwards and is milled into a groove along the guiding wall with a constant small slope. Grooving process, with a certain slope cut milling groove can avoid milling machine cutting to both continuous wall by adjusting plate slot milling machine tool adjustment tool, so as to protect the reliable continuous wall and milling machine tool, so the grooving process more secure. At the same time, in the process of grooving, the tool holder is inclined, cutting and milling, and the cutting resistance is smaller, the cutting is more smooth and the efficiency is higher.
一種重疊既有地下連續墻施工新的地下連續墻的成槽工藝,包括如下順序的步驟: 距既有地下連續墻外放一小段距離施工導墻; 調整銑槽機刀架的向外傾斜一定角度,按外放的導墻,以向既有地下連續墻外側傾斜0.3%-0.7%的固定斜率鑿銑成槽; 反復提放刀架,削落槽與既有地下連續墻的夾層間的泥土; 采用單邊帶鋼絲刷的重錘對既有地下連續墻面進行洗刷,清洗淤泥和未削落的巖土。