The utility model relates to a controllable rectifier power generation system of a permanent-magnet doubly salient motor, which belongs to a special power generation system. The power generation system consists of three parts, namely, permanent magnet doubly salient generator, three-phase half wave controlled rectifier circuit and rectifier controller. The three-phase stator armature winding of the system is connected by a star type, and the midpoint of the winding is O. The other ends of the stator armature winding A, B and C are respectively rectified and output through the three-phase controllable half wave rectification circuit, and the lower bridge arm of the controllable half wave rectification circuit is an insulated gate transistor, and the upper bridge arm is diode. According to the winding point O and rectifier circuit with different method, the doubly salient motor controlled rectifier power system to expand the connection type and middle type floating point. Rectifier Controller Based on generator rotor position, the armature current and the rectifier voltage signal in each phase winding potential driving signal is issued when the corresponding insulated gate transistor, the phase current tracking phase voltage waveform, realize rectifier circuit of doubly salient generator rectifier and power factor correction.
永磁雙凸極電機屬于一種變磁阻電機,其定子、轉子均為凸極結構,由硅鋼片疊制而成,結構簡單,永磁體和電樞繞組均位于定子側,轉子上沒有繞組,電機可靠性高,功率密度高。作為發電機使用時,設計人員通過對繞組擺放方式和轉子斜槽等設計,降低電機轉矩脈動,并使雙凸極發電機具有正弦電勢,在整流環節可以應用傳統的可控整流技術(如空間矢量調制技術SVPWM)。但是上述設計會使雙凸極電機的功率密度下降,效率降低,同時在高功率密度應用場合,電機設計還需要考慮到電樞反應對電勢波形的影響,所以在設計高功率密度的雙凸極發電機時需要做折中設計,這就使得永磁雙凸極電機的電勢無法保證是正弦波。雙凸極發電系統發電時一般外接由二極管組成的不控整流電路和濾波器,作為直流發電機使用,其中不控整流電路是雙凸極發電系統的重要組成部分。整個系統具有結構簡單、造價便宜、可靠性高等諸多優點。典型的雙凸極電機多用于直流發電系統,整流方式較為單一。同時傳統的不控整流電路沒有功率因數校正功能,在不同性質負載條件下,發電機電樞的相電流和相電壓產生相移,降低了發電機的功率因數和功率密度,同時二極管整流電路將低次諧波引入發電機繞組,加重了電樞反應,且輸出直流電壓的最低次諧波頻率較低,直接導致直流側濾波器體積大。因此本專利技術力圖尋求將可控整流發電模式引入永磁雙凸極電機發電系統,實現整流環節對發電機的功率因數校正,以調節發電機功率因數,提高電機功率密度,削弱電樞電流的波形畸變,減小直流側濾波器體積,提高整個永磁雙凸極發電機系統的效率。專利技術 ...