The utility model discloses an instrument decorative cover, belonging to the field of instrument decoration. The decorative cover comprises a cover body, wherein the cover body is a cylindrical structure and arranged on the side wall of the opening; the bottom of the cover body for refractive member extending radially outwardly, on the surface of the refractive component along the central axis direction of the wavy shape; the bottom of the inner surface is provided with a lug and a connecting rack on the cover, the cover body away from the installation lug opening, both ends of the connecting frame near the cover body opening, and respectively connected with the cover body wall, in an installation lug and a connecting frame is arranged on the fixing hole; a cover body, refractive components, installation lug and the connecting frame is a transparent body integrated structure the. Through the instrument decorative cover, the utility model can provide an instrument decoration effect which is rich in stereo feeling.
在儀表的設計中,設計人員不僅致力于提高儀表的工作性能,而且還希望改良儀 表的裝飾效果。例如,在汽車儀表的設計中,汽車儀表裝飾罩通常采用透光的裝飾本體與 LED (Light Emitting Diode,發光二極管)燈相結合的方式,此種裝飾方式雖然能夠呈現出 不同顏色的光線,但是光線的顏色是由LED燈的顏色所決定的,顏色比較單一。另外,目前 的汽車儀表裝飾罩通常還采用平面印刷的裝飾本體和LED燈相結合的方式,其中裝飾本體 上可以印刷單一色或者圖案(其中可以包含多種顏色),與LED燈相結合可以生產單一色或 者圖案(多色)的透光效果,但是此種透光效果僅限于平面形式,不具有立體感。
本技術的專利技術目的在于提供一種富有立體裝飾效果的儀表裝飾罩。本技術采用的技術方案如下包括罩體,其中罩體為圓筒形結構并且在其側 壁上設有開口 ;罩體的底部向外且徑向延伸的折光構件,該折光構件的上表面沿著中心軸 線的方向呈波浪形狀;在所述罩體的底部內表面設有安裝支耳和連接架,其中安裝支耳遠 離罩體的開口,連接架的兩端靠近罩體的開口,并且分別與罩體內壁連接,在安裝支耳和連 接架上均設置有固定孔;罩體、折光構件、安裝支耳和連接架為一體結構的透明體。在根據本技術的一個實施例中,折光構件的上表面相對于下表面傾斜設置。 連接架是梯形對稱結構,該梯形下底的兩點為連接架的兩端,該梯形的上底靠近罩體的開 口,上底與腰之間的轉角部設有固定孔。安裝支耳位于所述連接架的對稱軸線上,在安裝支 耳的兩側還對稱設置有小凸臺。罩體的表面和折光構件 ...