A process for preparing alpha 2, 4 - 5 two chloride (two methyl fluoride) 4, 5 - two 3 - 5 1H1 carbonyl methyl hydrogen, 2, 4 - three - 4: triazole based fluorobenzene ethyl propionate (product) method, which is characterized in that the 4 - two fluorine methyl 4, 5 - two - 5 - 3 - methyl carbonyl hydrogen (- 1 - 5 - amino - 2 - F - 4 - chlorophenyl) - 1H - 1, 2, 4 - three triazole (amine) diazotized with ethyl acrylate and the aryl amine diazotization reaction was performed at the same time, by the following 5 steps, in addition to outside amine the amount of components are expressed as molar equivalents corresponding to the 1 molar equivalent of amine (a): after adding acetone 10 - 30 equivalent amine solution agitation in 0.05 and 0.5 (the equivalent of cuprous chloride; B) the solution temperature is reduced to 20 to 30 DEG C, keeping the temperature in this range, stirring while adding enough hydrochloric acid into the amine hydrochloride; (c) will be maintained at a temperature below 10 DEG C, ethyl acrylate add 5 - 20 equivalent to the resultant slurry stirring in (d); after the adjustment of the stirring of the reaction mixture temperature to 0 DEG C, and then to control the temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius, sodium nitrite added 1 to 2 equivalent, which lasted 1 to 6 hours, then, continue stirring for 15 to 90 minutes; (E) recycling products.
本專利技術涉及除草劑α-2-二氯-5-[4-(二氟甲基)-4,5-二氫-3-甲基-5-羰基-1H-1,2,4-三唑-1-基]-4-氟苯丙酸乙酯的制備方法的最后一步,即米爾文(Meerwein)重氮化和芳基化反應。美國專利5,125,958號揭示了具有以下結構的除草劑。 常用的方法中米爾文重氮化和芳基化反應往往由2個步驟完成。首先,芳胺在水溶液,如亞硝酸鈉水溶液中被重氮化,然后,將重氮化后的胺溶液添加到待進行芳基化的化合物的溶液中。在美國專利5,125,958號中,制備除草劑的最后一步包括4-二氟甲基-4,5-二氫-3-甲基-5-羰基-1-(5-氨基-2-氟-4-氯苯基)-1H-1,2,4-三唑這一胺的重氮化步驟。但是,發現在水溶液中進行此胺的重氮化反應時,2-氟取代基被水解成相應的酚而消失,所以,以上專利所述的重氮化反應由傳統的2步反應完成,但反應在非水溶性介質中進行,并將亞硝酸叔丁酯作為亞硝酸根的來源。然后,將經重氮化的胺添加到丙烯酸乙酯(芳基化)就得到了目的產物除草劑。這種制備方法只能夠滿足實驗室中少量生產,不能夠滿足大量的生產和工業生產。這不僅是因為亞硝酸叔丁酯的供給太有限,還因為大規模生產需要制備大量的重氮化合物,這是很危險的操作。現在,我們很驚喜地發現在適當的條件下,重氮化和芳基化反應可以在水溶性亞硝酸鈉中同時完成,并且不會造成2-氟取代基的丟失,還能夠獲得良好的產率。重氮化/芳基化反應按照以下順序進行 如上所述,在常用的方法中,首先制備的是重氮化鹽,然后將此重氮化鹽添加到待進行芳基化的化合物中。本專利技術的方法中,使胺的鹽酸鹽A在待芳基化的物質- ...