The invention relates to a plant insecticide for preventing and controlling agricultural pests and a production process thereof. Is characterized by the use of neem fruits, leaves or bark, with pepper fruit and tea seeds of three plant materials with insecticidal ingredients, the ethanol extract of the crude extract was filtered and refined liquid, adding synergist and stabilizer, finally prepared composite plant pesticide. The invention is a wide source of raw materials, high utilization rate of raw materials, products with high efficiency, broad spectrum and no environmental pollution and pests are not easy to produce significant resistance and other advantages, has the advantages of simple process, low production cost, is a kind of new biological pesticide.
一種植物性復方殺蟲劑及其生產工藝,其特征在于該殺蟲劑采用的植物材料是楝樹、花椒和茶籽的乙醇提取物的復合物組成,其工藝步驟如下:a.將楝樹果實或葉片或樹皮植物材料與花椒果實或茶籽種籽分別粉碎并分別用乙醇提取,或者將上述三種植物材料混合粉碎 后用乙醇提取,減壓回收乙醇,制得復合植物抽取液;b.A步驟中的植物材料(按重量計)楝樹60-98%,花椒1-10%,茶籽1-30%。c.將B步驟的植物材料(按重量計)用55-75%濃度的乙醇提取,處理溫度48-68℃,處理時間2-6 小時,處理過程中應有攪拌,制得粗提液;d.將步驟c制得的粗提液進行過濾制得精制液;e.將D步驟中的精制液與增效劑和穩定劑按重量計配制,其中精制液為38-42%,增效劑為洗衣粉0.1-0.4%,穩定劑為75%乙醇61.9-57.6%。