The invention relates to a technique for treating eutrophication pollution of water bodies, in particular to a blue-green algae pollution control technique, belonging to the technical field of water pollution control. The water hyacinth is controlled in a certain range of the surface of the water by using the water body enclosure, and the covering area of the water body is controlled, and the biological characteristics of the water hyacinth are used to purify the water body. The invention is no longer confined to the narrow waters of the application (such as channel), also can be used in a large area of water in the open (such as lakes); for the latter part of the recovery, the use of mechanized harvesting methods, the use of professional post ship salvage work, more time-saving and labor-saving, effective; the invention takes into account the resources the utilization of water hyacinth later, the harvest of water hyacinth after drying, can be used as a high quality organic fertilizer or biogas fermentation materials, methods of water environmental remediation is a kind of ecological environmental protection and economic.
本專利技術的目的在于提供一種成本低、簡單方便、易于實施的治理富營養化水體中藍藻的生物生態治理方法。大量試驗表明,水葫蘆對藍藻的生長具有較強的抑制作用,主要是通過與藻類競爭氮磷和陽光等營養,并且通過根系分泌克藻的化感物質實現克藻作用。在水葫蘆整個生長周期中均能大量吸收富營養化水體中的氮磷以及大量吸附水體中的藍藻。按照本專利技術提供的技術方案,采用水體圍隔將水葫蘆控制在水面一定的范圍內,控制其對水體的覆蓋面積,利用其本身的生物特性凈化水體。一種,步驟為 (1)水體圍隔的放置將購買的水體圍隔放入需治理的水中,沿著圍隔取多點,在每個點上打樁固定,竹樁需打入到泥中O. 5 1. 5m深;竹樁固定以后,橫向 ...
1.一種治理水體中過量氮磷及藍藻的方法,其特征是步驟為 (1)水體圍隔的放置將購買的水體圍隔放入需治理的水中,沿著圍隔取多點,在每個點上打樁固定,竹樁需打入到泥中O. 5 1. 5m深;竹樁固定以后,橫向部分用鋼絲將其綁扎固定;然后進行圍網,將網底用石籠沉入泥中; (2)水葫蘆的種植在水體圍隔包圍的范圍內直接拋入水葫蘆,水葫蘆種養的面積為水體的30%-70%,種植時間選擇晴天風平浪靜的傍晚;...