A friction device used in grate grate boiler, the static grate, water cooling pipe, movable grate bars, connectors, car, chain, sprocket, cable weight body, wheel, track, push rod, driving mechanism. The static grate placed in water is communicated with a blower in the air preheater tube, to erect and static cooling grate effect; through the gap between movable grate grate static from the two layer, fixed by the connecting element in cable car end; the front end of helical chain and sprocket wheel is connected with the counterweight through the body, the weight of the counterweight body for sliding force offset car ramps; cable car tail and the driving mechanism of the push-pull rod connected; operation, operation push rod drive mechanism, according to the operation instruction by car driven moving grate inclined reciprocating motion along the track, the grate on the fuel bunker gradually to the direction. Forward. The utility model solves the problems of difficult maintenance, large noise, large power consumption and serious abrasion of the grate piece of the existing grate device.
本技術提供了一種無摩擦爐排裝置,解決了現有爐排裝置存在的維修困難、噪聲大、動力消耗大和爐排片磨損嚴重的問題。本技術解決其技術問題所采用的技術方案是:本技術由靜爐排片、水冷管、動爐排片、連接件、斜車、鏈條、鏈輪、配重體、車輪、軌道、推拉桿、驅動機構組成。靜爐排片搭放在水冷管上,水冷管與鼓風機空氣預熱器管相連通,起到架立和冷卻靜爐排片的作用;動爐排片從兩層靜爐排片的間隙中穿過,尾端用連接件固定在斜車上;斜車的車輪直徑相等,斜車下面的軌道與靜爐排片、動爐排片平行,軌道與地面夾角根據燃料的性質確定;斜車頭端通過鏈條、鏈輪與配重體相連,配重體的重量用于抵消斜車的下滑力,斜車尾端與驅動機構的推拉桿相連。運行時,操作驅動機構,推拉桿按照操作指令通過斜車帶動動爐排片沿軌道做往復運動,使爐排上的燃料逐漸向出灰斗方向翻動前進。本技術有益的效果是:無摩擦爐排裝置的動爐排片從兩層靜爐排片之間的間隙穿過,沒有相互摩擦,避免了爐排片之間的摩擦引起的磨損和噪聲,配重體抵消了斜車的下滑力,使運行動力消耗降到最低,同時動爐排片的往復運動實現了燃料在爐排上的翻動前進。較好地解決了現有爐排裝置存在的維修困難、 ...