The utility model provides a small current sensor which can accurately measure the current. The current sensor has arranged at least 3 conductive strips; a plurality of magnetic core, magnetic core plate with U shaped laminated form, with the conductive strip inserted on the bottom side of the U groove, stacking direction U of the side wall of the groove surface and core in parallel with AC surface conductive strips are parallel to each other and the surface of the magnetic core the current and measured flow direction; detecting element, an opening is arranged on the side of the U shape, for the detection of magnetic field strength; in the observation from the axial conductive strip, a conductive core and adjacent clearance and inserted in the U slot of the core of the addition of conductive strips between the openings the length of G in the direction of the interval 1/2, the gap will be the preferred tolerance gap values as the central value, setting and from between the adjacent conductive strip interval minus an opening in the direction of the length of the interval value of 3/2 Output value.
近幾年,正在普及將馬達作為驅動源的混合動力(hybrid)車輛和電動汽車。在恰當地控制馬達輸出的基礎上,測定在馬達中流動的電流是非常重要的。作為這樣的電流的測定方法,例如有如下測定方法,即,通過由磁性體形成的磁芯,對與在連接無刷直流馬達和變頻器(inverter)的導電條(bus bar)中流動的電流相對應地在該導電條的周圍產生的磁場進行聚磁,并通過霍爾元件等磁檢測元件進行檢測,基于該檢測到的磁場來運算并求出在導電條中流動的電流。另一方面,在考慮將電流傳感器安裝到混合動力車輛和電動汽車上的情況下,這樣的用于測定在馬達中流動的電流的電流傳感器需要實現小型化、輕型化、多聯化。通過實現小型化和多聯化,排列設置的導電條之間的距離變短,磁芯的外形尺寸也變小。由此,導致不能確保檢測靈敏度的線性度(linearity),或者磁滯特性惡化。另外,也可能使干擾增力口。因此,研究了在下面表示了出處的專利文獻I以及2所記載的技術。專利文獻I所記載的電流傳感器具有:導體,其流動有被測定電流;環狀的磁性屏蔽板,其圍繞上述導體且 具有間隙;磁電轉換元件,其配置于上述環狀的磁性屏蔽板的內偵U。磁電轉換元件檢測電流所產生的磁場的磁通量密度。該磁電轉換元件配置于上述環狀的磁性屏蔽板的間隙和上述導體之間,且配置于在導體中流動的電流所產生的磁場的磁通量密度最小的位置附近。專利文獻2所記載的電流測量裝置具有磁性體磁芯、第一磁傳感器以及第二磁傳感器、電流檢測電路。磁性體磁芯包圍電流流動的電流通路,并具有多個間隙。第一磁傳感器以及第二磁傳感 ...