The utility model relates to a baby anti-theft device. The utility model relates to a baby anti-theft foot ring, including foot ring body and foot ring fastening device, the foot ring buckle device is composed of an upper cover and a lower cover, the lower cover and the upper cover is connected with the ultrasonic welding, the lower cover is connected with the foot ring body, wherein the upper cover outside with the RFID label, the foot ring fastening device is arranged in the GPS locator, microprocessor and wireless communication module, the RFID tag, GPS locator and wireless communication module are electrically connected with the microprocessor, the foot of the ring body is provided with a flexible circuit board, and the foot ring of the near side of the baby skin caring a temperature sensor is arranged, the flexible circuit board and a temperature sensor are electrically connected with the microprocessor. Identify the alarm is removed by the utility model thebabysecurity foot ring also through a variety of ways, and effectively prevent the waterproof function, the baby was wrong, stolen, but also can detect the neonatal body temperature and other vital signs.
醫院婦產科在嬰兒初生時,通常采用母嬰佩戴標簽手環來識別母親及嬰兒的身分。此標簽手環使用手寫標示或條碼技術來辨識,容易被調換,所以辨識錯誤是最容易發生的新生兒醫療糾紛,一旦辨識錯誤對于家庭和醫療機構都有極大影響。醫院現有的管理制度理論上不會讓探視家屬隨便進入且有人數控管、控制閑雜人隨便出入等機制。但實際管理中,進入的大門為敞開式,樓梯電梯也可直接通往病房區,以及每間母嬰室也是敞開式,外人是很容易進入的;不同母嬰室的人員也可以隨便走串門,在這種情形下,難免會發生新生兒抱錯,嬰兒被盜的可能性。以病人安全為中心的角度,及追求卓越醫療服務品質下,醫院除應為產婦及其新生嬰兒提供醫療服務外,還應該承擔安全保障義務,嬰兒的保護安全措施,在母嬰親善醫院更顯得重要。現有技術中給嬰兒采用的標簽手環上設置一個RFID的監控裝置,在該RFID監控裝置中安裝有RFID標簽,通過RFID技術,實現對目標對象及時有效的監護、監管。然而,在實際使用過程中,該RFID標簽經常為被人為拆卸并破解其中的控制電路,使得RFID監控裝置失去相應的監控功 能,無法實現確實可靠的防止嬰兒被盜目的。并且目前的給嬰兒采用的標簽手環大多沒有防水的功能,因此在嬰兒洗澡的時候,要卸開手環,否則會影響控制電路工作,可是一旦卸開,就很容易錯誤佩戴,這種情形下,難免會發生新生」L抱錯的情形。
本技術所要解決的技術問題是:現有技術中的給嬰兒采用的標簽手環的RFID標簽容易被暴力破壞而失去監控效力,同時不能有效防水,而影響使用的技術問題。為了解決上 ...