The utility model discloses a blast furnace gas dust remover, which comprises a cylinder body, which is characterized in that a cylinder body is provided with a filter bag, the upper part of the cylinder top lattice plate is provided with a clean gas chamber, the clean gas chamber is arranged on the top of a clean gas outlet, on both sides of the clean gas chamber is provided with a pulse back blowing device, the at the bottom of the barrel lattice plate is arranged on the lower part of the gas chamber, the bottom of the gas chamber is provided with inverted conical temporary storage hopper, gas flow rectifying device is arranged between the temporary storage hopper and a gas chamber, the temporary storage hopper is arranged on one side of the top of the raw gas inlet guide device, is provided with the raw gas inlet. The temporary storage hopper bottom ash discharge mouth. The utility model has the advantages of making full use of the large diameter tank hopper volume, reduce dust total project cost; uniform air distribution to filter all space, simple structure, easy to wear; prevent the air vortex and can prevent the damage of the filter bag into ash hopper, and can be used to check and replace the filter bag use platform.
高爐煤氣為高爐煉鐵副產物,屬于有毒可燃性含塵氣體,通過全干法袋式除塵器過濾凈化后方可使用。隨著高爐煤氣全干法袋式除塵技術日趨成熟,大型高爐(3000m3以上)煤氣凈化也逐漸采用全干法袋式除塵器。因大型高爐煤氣量較大,如采用DMOOOmm,DN5000mm直徑的箱體,除塵器筒體數量就比較多,故障點較多,對于高爐安全生產造成隱患。因此采用大直徑箱體DN6000成為大勢所趨,如何做好大直徑箱體的氣流分布,對于大型高爐全干法袋式除塵系統的安全、穩定、高效的運行尤為重要。原有小直徑的除塵器筒體或者大筒體大部分采用除塵器直段底部進風的形式;導流裝置也未設置,這樣容易造成,氣流分布不均勻,局部濾袋過濾負荷過大;均流整流裝置也未設置,容易形成渦流,造成濾袋晃動,濾袋底部因摩擦而破損。 ...